Why is Cell Strength Worse at Different Times of the Year?

Why is Cell Strength Worse at Different Times of the Year?

As a leading provider of cellular enhancement systems, we are familiar with the oddities of cellphone reception.  Below ground level, tall buildings, and large buildings are all examples of common dead-zones—places where it’s next to impossible to get a signal or catch a call. You may also notice that seasonal changes cause your cell strength to shift.

In a dense urban area, a signal can only travel a few hundred yards before interfering with the next antenna. In rural areas, fewer stronger signals are spread across wider distances because there are fewer obstructions in the way. Without any disruptions, a normal phone can communicate with cell towers as far as 45 miles away. In most cases, you’re no farther than 20 miles away from the nearest tower.

Cell signal is sensitive enough that something like a tree, or a bad storm can obstruct a clear path for signals. At different times of year, the trees are either lush with leaves or freshly leafed out. When trees become fuller, it can interfere with signal strength in a noticeable way. If the culprit is the trees, adding a commercial cellular repeater may help.

No matter if your building suffers poor cell strength all year, or only in the spring or winter, there is something you can do about it. It’s called an in-building cellular enhancement system.

What is an In-Building Cellular Enhancement System?

An in-building cellular enhancement system improves cellular strength and coverage throughout a building by extending and distributing cellular signals from a given mobile network operator. This system is commonly installed in conjunction with a distributed antenna system (DAS). The system connects to carrier’s signal source (typically either a base transceiver station or a bi-directional amplifier). The signal is transmitted and received through the operator’s licensed radio frequency. Optical fiber, coaxial cable, or Category 5e/Category 6 twisted pair cable is used to transport the frequency throughout the building.

There are passive and active in-building systems. Passive in-building cellular enhancement systems are more common in smaller buildings with less rigorous wireless communication requirements. A passive system operates with a coaxial cable-only or other components that do not require AC or DC power for operation. This type of system is less expensive to install and is not typically used in buildings that measure over 100,000 square feet. 

An active in-building cellular enhancement system can convert the radio frequency into unique forms, including optical signals. It uses products that require AC or DC power to convert near the signal source. Because it requires AC or DC power at both ends of the cable, it is considered ‘active.’ Active in-building systems are more complex and are therefore used in larger buildings or campuses. It can convert and transport radio frequency through optical fiber. One system can deploy coverage across 1-million square feet of space. You can expand an active system by adding active equipment to increase coverage antennas.

Want to Improve Cell Signal Strength? We Can Help! 

In-building cellular enhancement systems, often referred to as The Fourth Utility, boost cellular coverage. It’s not cut and dry to re-amplify signals from the major carriers’ cellular frequencies. We are experts in this department and have the right tools to provide solutions for every carrier. Our plan is custom tailored to your budget, signal coverage requirements, and the size and layout of your building.

We offer in-building cellular enhancement systems so that you can enjoy clear cellular coverage 365 days a year. Contact us today to learn more.