Effective Communication with the Right Two-Way Radios

Effective Communication with the Right Two-Way Radios

Communication through two-way radios is becoming more efficient than cell phones and other devices. Whether you’re out in the field working construction, working inside a building, or on a hike, two-way radios provide productive and reliable means of communication for an unlimited number of radios. These wide-ranged radios can connect others up to 300 miles away. In particular, in Florida, cities such as Miami, Orlando, Jacksonville, and West Palm have been successfully connected. With a wide network of connections, it’s important to keep in mind efficient ways of communicating with others on your team.

Be Prepared and Know What You Are Going to Say

Although two-way radios might seem like a fun way to communicate casually, it’s vital to acknowledge those you share a line with. To ensure your message is clearly understood, take a moment to think about what you are going to say and who you are going to say it to. Once you know what to say, press the talk button to identify who you are so that others on the line know. Before starting your message, ensure that you get a response back from whom you are trying to talk to so that you know they are listening. Then lead in with a short and precise
clear message.

Be Patient While Communicating

Give the person you are trying to communicate time to respond. If they don’t respond right away, they potentially might be occupied or have their hands full with something else. Before you try to call them again, wait a few minutes for a response, unless it’s an emergency of course. Furthermore, when you are communicating with another partner, make sure they are done speaking before you press to talk. Only one person can be heard at a time and not waiting for the other person to finish may lead to a miscommunication issue. Wait a few seconds after your partner is done speaking before pressing the push-to-talk button. Most importantly, wait a few seconds after pressing the talk button to speak as there can potentially be a short delay.

Get Straight to the Point

When you are communicating with someone on a two-way radio, you want to make sure your message is clear and to the point. This will help the other party to repeat your message and ensure understanding while also asking additional questions for clarification. Repeating information after someone makes a comment or asks a question is also important to ensure proper and precise communication.

Use Radio Etiquette

Whether you’re on the road working for a trucking company or out on a yacht in Miami trying to communicate with others back on land, it’s important to use proper terminology that everyone understands. Using certain radio terms such as “over” when you are done speaking or “stand by” when you’re asking others to wait, helps the other party know when it’s their turn to speak, or that their request was acknowledged.

Be Professional

When communicating on a two-way radio, especially when there are multiple lines, it’s important to be professional while using the radio. Talking too long and casually might result in disruption of other workers that you aren’t speaking to directly. Also, remember that these radio channels are not private. Other radios can easily hear your conversation by tuning the frequency.

Why Choose to Communicate With a Two Way Radio?

Two-way radios are changing the spectrum of communication drastically. With a wide range of coverage, these radios are becoming more popular for certain workforces and can become handy to many more individuals during an emergency. Two-way radios are portable, durable, and easy to use. Users can expect to effectively communicate with all those they are connected to at any time with no additional costs.

Call on Highland Wireless

Highland Wireless is ready with all your two-way radio needs – marine, building, site, event, or fleet. Call on Highland Wireless today to provide your two way radio communication solutions.